October's Cosmic Forecast: Harmonizing Into Alchemy



Venus enters Virgo (10.2)

Venus in Virgo’s love language is Acts of Service. It’s practical, tangible and useful. Leave the emotions and sentimentality for another time. We begin to see and yearn for ways in which someone shows up for us in supportive and helpful ways and we yearn to do that for others as well. It’s an ideal time to connect to what it is you need in the day-to-day routines, the things that create more order, well-being, mental health and purpose for yourself and others.

Mercury enters Libra (10.2)

On the same day that Venus enters Virgo, Mercury enters Libra. Our thinking, mindset and modes of communication are focused on harmony, peace and collaboration with/for others. Libra is known for being able to neutralize extremes—the polarities of differences to meet in the middle, to be fair and just for all parties involved. There is a tendency to people please or suffer the disease to please. We begin to really think about our connections to others and ways in which we can grow and amplify with them.

Sun enters Scorpio (10.22)

We begin Scorpio season! Scorpio is known as The Phoenix, Alchemist or Magician. No doubt that Scorpio is mysterious, intense and even intimidating, but Scorpio’s magic is actually the empowerment to transform the darkness into light. It’s the process of deep investigation of one’s fears, desires and passions as the magic that is Scorpio’s authentic power. So we can utilize these collective cosmic Scorpion energies to do the same. Getting real and honest about what we want and working through our shadow work to get there. This is all about how we transmute, transform and empower ourselves during Scorpio season.

Venus enters Scorpio (10.28)

Venus, having been in very practical and helpful Virgo early in the month, now shifts her time and attention to Scorpio. Her new love languages are Physical Touch and Quality Time. The desires to merge physically and emotionally are heightened. There’s a tendency to know, own, obsess and possess the ones we love. Surface connections just won’t do it for Scorpio. It’s about the deep bonds in sex, in intimacy and in emotional connection that Scorpio desires. Trust is the ultimate for Scorpio, so investigate what trust really means to you. During this time practice emotional balance if possible.



New Moon in Libra (10.16)

This New Moon in Libra is a beautiful lunation to set intentions for more balance, peace, beauty and partnerships—creative or romantic. We can begin to envision what an equal partnership looks like, what a balanced life feels like, and ultimately what we need in order to have more inner peace within ourselves. Also it’s important to be aware of the work and effort that’s needed to maintain peace and balance. Consistency is key. If you want an equal partnership you have to show up and seek equal partners. If you want a balanced/harmonious life, you have to release things that create chaos or imbalance. 

Full Moon in Taurus/ Blue Moon (10.31)

This Full Moon lunation in Taurus a.k.a. The Blue Moon is a time of reflection and release. Since Taurus is about endurance, manifestations over time, slow/steady plodding and our inner resources/values, the past 6 months have been a challenging time in which what we thought we needed to feel safe and secure were totally flipped. It’s not so much about having things, but more about our inner resources and self-worth that is of most importance and value. This Blue Moon is a time to honor this new understanding and personal wisdom.


Pluto RX direct in Capricorn (10.4)

Since April 25 Pluto, the ruler of personal power through transformation, has been retrograde in Capricorn. For 5 months, we were working on our inner shadow work with ambition, self-mastery and how to make it count. Pluto will show us where we’re blocked, but it’s up to us to unblock and overcome. In doing so, we gain our personal power. Now with Pluto finally going direct, we can feel more momentum in seeing our progress in our personal power. We can begin to know how much we’ve actually transformed in the past 5 months.

Mercury RX in Scorpio & Libra (10.14 - 11.3)

Normally, true Mercury speed is fast and furious—rushing through life, moving at the speed of light. With Mercury RX in Scorpio, we are asked to pause to fully understand our deepest fears and desires. Mercury RX most often brings people/situations/challenges that need our utmost attention and time. In this case, it is about getting to what we really want via sexuality, passion, magic and authenticity. We will be thinking about and wanting to talk about all things hidden and tabooed. We will only want to have Real T. Scorpio, after all, is about breaking the status quo on healing, deeper levels of intimacy and true authentic power, but that all requires that we get real with ourselves first.

Mercury RX then moves back into Libra. So once we understand our own fears, desires and magic, we can begin to look at ways we people please, become codependent or compromise for others. Power dynamics will be present. If we’ve done our part in the first part of Mercury RX in Scorpio, understanding and breaking old partnership patterns won’t be as challenging.


Scorpio, after all, is about breaking the status quo on healing, deeper levels of intimacy and true authentic power, but that all requires that we get real with ourselves first.



OCT 2 • Venus enters Virgo
OCT 2 • Mercury enters Libra
OCT 4 • Pluto RX direct in Capricorn
OCT 14 - Nov 3  Mercury RX in Scorpio & Libra
OCY 16 • New Moon in Libra
OCT 22  • Sun enters Scorpio
OCT 28  • Venus enters Scorpio
OCT 31  • Full Moon in Taurus (Blue Moon)


Ellen Nguyen

Ellen is an Evolutionary Astrologer and the owner of United Other. The core of her work centers around healing, empowerment, transformation and compassion.

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