Channeled Message for November: Fear + Balance + Justice

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We can see it hovering over your crown, a black hat 
(a cone of misgivings) as you step out your door.
It clings like a sickness, a film not easily washed away.
Where is your sword?
Where is your armor against this internal divide that aims to crush your compass beneath its feet?
Can we not decide to cast aside doubt and in turn wear our resolutions, our resoluteness upon our sleeves?


Can we not decide that come what may our hearts still beat, our voices shall ring on and our strength will swell, buttressed by our dedication to action through TRUTH?


Is this not what we have been fighting for?
Generations have fallen—gutted and left for dead on the battlegrounds of justice, so that we can freely call a spade a spade without fear of repercussion, stupidity, ignorance or excuses.
We can create new gears, wheels, solutions for what truth has willingly, eagerly brought to our feet!
Fear counts the hours you have left it standing idle in the yard.

I say, NO. 

We say: Cast it out of your mind, like the beetle atop the dung heap.
Do not bring it gifts wrapped in the unknown, indecision, or lack of faith!
A weevil turning in the brain.


Fear cannot rule the mind, body and spirit if we demand it vanquished from its place in the shadows.


Have faith, believe in yourself, for that belief will breed a calf of a singular ilk. 
It will bring prosperity of spirit, a calmness that the mind has slowly grown to forget.
You are not alone. We are here with you.

Fear cannot rule the mind, body and spirit if we demand it vanquished
from its place in the shadows.
Prepare, sharpen your instruments, walk the borders of your castle 
and proclaim that you shall not let pass into your heart what desires to corrupt, eat away at all that is good.

November, November, November
is a month to scream your battle cry to the sky:
"I will not be moved! I will not be moved!"
And so it is.

Stand tall my loves,